Question and statement 1 – give title to this pair

Concluding Questions

The following format shall be followed to conclude each “Hug-A-Tree and Survive” Presentation.


Today you have all learned how not to get lost.

Question: How can you keep from getting lost like John? 


  • Stay within the bounds set by the adult in charge of you.
  • Never wander off by yourself!
  • Always use the buddy system.
  • Always tell an adult where you are going and go there
  • Always watch where you are going and look where you have been
  • Do not follow wild animals, birds, or insects. They are afraid of you and will always run away
  •  Do not take dares! People who make dares are usually too chicken to do it themselves.


You also learned what to do if you become lost in the woods. Your parents have told you not to talk to strangers.

Question: What about when you are lost in the woods?

 Answer: Searchers travel in groups and it is okay to talk to them and to go with them. They will know your name because they are not strangers, they are your friends. 



Some of the people looking for you are:


  • The police or fire department.
  • Search and rescue dogs.
  • The army or air force search and rescue techs.
  • Volunteer ground search and rescue personnel.


These people will be trying to find you, but they will need your help.

Question: What must you do if you realize you are lost? 


  • Stay put, HUG-A-TREE.
  • Build a nest and use your shelter to stay dry and warm.
  • Make yourself BIG and signal for help.
  • Answer searchers’ calls, they are your friends.


Question: What must you do if you realize you are lost? 


  • Stay put, HUG-A-TREE.
  • Build a nest and use your shelter to stay dry and warm.
  • Make yourself BIG and signal for help.
  • Answer searchers’ calls, they are your friends.


Question: If noises in the dark scare you what do you do? 

Answer: Yell and blow your whistle!

Statement: This is the end of the HUG-A-TREE presentation, but not the end of what you have learned. The woods are a wonderful place and can be a lot of fun, but you have to be careful. Remember too that if you become lost, you didn’t do anything wrong. You will not be punished. Your mother and father may yell a bit, but that is because they are just as scared as you are. You are very important to them and they love you. Before you go, I have some handouts for you.